The Benefits of Enrolling Your Child in a Private International School

There’s one through-the-line when successful people are interviewed. One thing above all is that they hold fast as an essential instigator of their success — they constantly talk about their environment. Successful people foster the idea of creating an ecosystem around themselves that nurtures them. An ecosystem that challenges. An ecosystem that eliminates toxicity. An ecosystem that brings them elbow to elbow with, if not of their own station or class, people with similar mindsets and ambitions. 

“If you’re the smartest person in a room, then you are in the wrong room.” And to a degree that’s the main advantage of private international schools — in the complex and ever-evolving landscape of education, these border-spanning institutions have always been at the forefront of future success for individuals. They stand as beacons of excellence and innovation. Beacons that offer students a transformative educational experience tailored to meet the demands of a globalized world. Beacons that cherish that ideal “create an ecosystem that promotes success.” 

Not just monetary success but emotional and overall holistic success. That creates individuals who can strive for excellence outside an institution — individuals who come out of said institution armed not only with the right tools but also with the right network.  As parents increasingly seek educational opportunities that transcend geographical boundaries and cultural barriers, private international schools have emerged as compelling choices for nurturing well-rounded, globally-minded individuals. 

In this exploration, we delve into the myriad benefits of enrolling a child in a private international school, illuminating how these institutions prepare students for success in an interconnected and diverse world.

private international school

Embracing Excellence: The Essence of Private International Schools

Oddly enough, public education is a rather contemporary and modern concept. The recognition of education as a human right – a public necessity – only recently emerged. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights – UDHR – adopted in 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly, proclaimed:

“Everyone has the right to education” — Article 26(1)

From then on treaties and conventions came into play. Each one there to reinforce that idea, that education, regardless of your status and financial situation, was a human right. From the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights – ICESCR – in 1966, to the Convention on the Rights of the Child  – CRC – in 1989. 

Less than a century. Up until that point, and still in some regions, the idea of education as something public was ludicrous. It was reserved for the privileged — and those original private institutions, many still exist, made a business out of imparting knowledge. Like all businesses, the way they battled for “clients” and competed against their peers was by handing out quality education. Getting the best teachers, fostering the best atmosphere, creating the best legacies, and promoting the best network opportunities once students graduate.  

That platform, centuries in existence – one that has been fine-tuned to a razor’s edge – still exists. 

Private international schools at their core occupy a unique position within the educational spectrum, they are characterized by their commitment to academic excellence, cultural diversity, and global engagement. By continuing to uphold that business mindset — to give the best quality product, in this case education, available. It might be reductive, it might be a jaded mindset, but that doesn’t make it false. They have to compete with one another, and with a public system that’s free. 

As parents seek educational alternatives that offer a blend of academic rigor and holistic development, private international schools have become increasingly appealing for their ability to provide a comprehensive educational experience that transcends traditional boundaries.

The Advantages of Private International Schools: A Holistic Approach

Intellectual Growth

A Commitment to Excellence

The inside scoop is that private institutions have a rather cutthroat approach to academic excellence — they poach, attract, and basically do everything within their power to captivate the best of the best.  

Rigorous Tests

Like any business, word-of-mouth is critical — the best review an institution can have is one given by the alumni. And one perceived by the community once they meet said alumni. Private international schools boast rigorous academic standards and diverse curricula that are designed to challenge and inspire students to reach their full potential. 

They require that students come out of their hallowed halls being the best of the best. Whether through internationally recognized programs such as the International Baccalaureate  – IB –  or A-levels, these schools offer a comprehensive educational framework that prepares students for academic success and future endeavors.

Advanced Learning Facilities

Creating optimal learning environments — and how do you create these Utopia-like dreamscapes? By investing and finding the right funding. Each one has state-of-the-art facilities and resources. These facilities and tools, hallmarks of private international schools, provide students with access to cutting-edge technology, laboratories, and libraries that support advanced learning environments. 

private international school

Global Exposure

Cultural Diversity

Perspective, the ability to interact with other cultures with respect, and understanding the needs of a global world — private international schools cultivate an environment of cultural diversity. They bring together students from diverse backgrounds and nationalities. Through exposure to different cultures, traditions, heritage points, and folklore, students develop a global mindset. This translates to intercultural competence, an invaluable skill in today’s interconnected world.

Language Skills

Many private international schools offer opportunities for multilingual education, with language immersion programs that enable students to develop fluency in multiple languages. By mastering additional languages, students not only enhance their communication skills but also gain a competitive edge in an increasingly globalized job market.

Personal Development

Holistic Education

There’s this great film, “School of Rock,” with Jack Black about a private school. In an odd, and strange way, a slacker – Jack’s character – manages to bring out of their shell a motley group of school kids. Giving them invaluable skills that went beyond the rigors of academia. 

Private international schools, in essence, place a strong emphasis on holistic development — they understand the importance of nurturing students’ talents and interests beyond the academic realm. Through robust arts, sports, and extracurricular programs — students have the opportunity to explore their passions, cultivate creativity, and develop essential life skills.

Leadership and Confidence

It takes a leader — and not everyone can lead. Some say it’s something you’re born with, others say it’s something you’re taught. Private international schools wholeheartedly believe that it is the latter. Their environment encourages leadership skills and self-confidence through various extracurricular activities and student-led initiatives. They allow students to take ownership of their learning and make meaningful contributions to their school communities.

Networking and Opportunities

Alumni Networks Lifelong Connections and Professional Advantages

Lifelong Connections and Professional Advantages — Private international schools boast strong alumni networks that provide students with valuable professional connections and mentorship opportunities. The truth is that studies have found that private schools offer people opportunities that no other type of institution can. The truth is that we might like to believe in the idealism of everyone getting a fair chance — but nepotism, preferential treatment, and knowing who you know, is real. 

Higher Education Opportunities

Attending a private international school enhances a student’s prospects for admission into prestigious universities worldwide. With a track record of academic excellence and a global perspective, graduates of private international schools are well-positioned to excel in higher education and beyond.

That’s Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Private international schools in Abu Dhabi for example offer a myriad of other key tools – such as community programs and international programs – which greatly benefit  students. They drive kids, and gives them that much needed leg up in today’s overly complicated and competitive world.